What is it?

Evolutive Manual Therapy involves the use of gentle and specific manual touches and mobilizations, known as tissue kinesiotherapy. Through these stimuli, therapists promote manual biofeedback, activating adaptive responses in different areas of the body. This process aims to restore balance in physical and mental dysfunctions, stimulating the body’s natural recovery system.

EMT seeks to identify the underlying origins of dysfunctions, enabling the restoration of health and well-being through direct and objective application protocols.

Whether the information is traumatic, toxic, infectious, psycho-emotional, or environmental, the therapist can manually detect disturbances in the flow of specific body tissues.


How does it work?

The core procedure of Evolutive Manual Therapy involves applying manual touches with the aim of generating an internal biofeedback response. By neutralizing disturbing information, the tissue regains its functional integrity.

This approach is based on embryological and phylogenetic principles to understand the functional foundations of the human body. It encompasses muscular, skeletal, nervous systems, and more, considering both embryonic development and the current functions of the body.


In what cases is it beneficial?

Evolutive Manual Therapy is applied to a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Reduction of Inflammation and Pain
  • Stimulation of the Immune System
  • Neutralization of Toxins and Combatting Oxidative Stress
  • Revitalization and Cellular Regeneration
  • Improved Tissue Oxygenation
  • Promotion of Longevity
  • Enhanced Blood Circulation
  • Digestive Function Improvement
  • Increased Physical Performance
  • Boosting Healing Processes
  • Enhanced Brain Function and Memory
  • Prevention and Combat of Oncological Diseases
  • Prevention and Combat of Autoimmune Diseases


How long does a session last?

Treatment consists of sessions lasting between 30 to 45 minutes.

After an initial assessment, the patient lies on the treatment table, where the therapist assesses tissue fluidity. If any disturbances are detected, the therapist stimulates the affected area, triggering the tissue feedback process.